Gordon Anderson Memorial Bursary

Gordon Anderson Memorial Bursary

Vancouver Firefighters for Education


Vancouver Fire Fighters and their Union, Local 18 International Association of Firefighters, strongly believe in education and the role it plays in the community. Each year the Vancouver Firefighters’ Charitable Society provides three $1,000 bursaries to graduating Vancouver high school students.


Who is eligible?

A graduating student of a Vancouver public school

A permanent resident of BC, enrolled in a recognized post-secondary program prior to the end of the current school year


Applications must include:

A one page cover letter outlining your educational goals, community/school involvement, interest in labour-related activities, and any other pertinent information

Two letters of reference

A copy of your most recent grade transcripts

2021 Successful Applicants

CONGRATULATIONS to the following graduating Vancouver secondary school students who were successful in their application for our Gordon Anderson Memorial Bursary.

The high quality of applicants for this bursary always makes the selection process difficult, and we thank everyone who submitted an application.

Congratulations to:

Emily Chan

Gordon Chu

Michelle Ho

Make a Difference.